Saturday, January 9, 2010

Doodie Duty

I've had a very long and trying week. Sparring the gory details, I've cleaned up more human waste from more public places and private residences than I had ever pictured myself doing in a life time.


The week started with a call in emergency service clean up at a private residence Sunday. I still had a migraine (day 4), but was functional enough to go to work. Again, we'll skip the details of the job, but needless to say, dude would never set foot in my house with out having his rear end stapled shut first.

Monday through Thursday had me continuing this trend, be it animal (pet) or people droppings. Wednesday I was called off one job site to go to a couple of storage rooms in an underground parking lot down town where people had been "living". It had me wondering where to flush those rooms, literally. Even my dog has enough manners to take Mr. Hanky out to the snowbank be it -40 or not.

Yesterday was no better. Granted I didn't end up cleaning up the swirling sea monster, but I was scheduled to do a hallway visited by the vomit fairy. As it turned out my truck mount broke down, and that job had to be rescheduled.

The job site I did manage to finish should have taken me about 30 minutes, 45 at the most. It took 5 hours. Mount wouldn't start, when it did get started the water pump blew a fuse, finally got that figured out and bypassed, the pressure line started to freeze up, got that cleared and the vacuum line froze up... twice. Well you get the idea...Not a happy camper.

But a pay cheque's a pay cheque right

1 comment:

Darnell McKinley said...

But you only live once and each moment in life has enormous value as it can't ever be replaced again...
I know someone has to do the yucky jobs and I do appreciate that it's not me.... but can you find a more happy environment to trade your time for?

Just a thought.

Darnell McKinley