Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I got rear ended today. Not to bad, scratched bumper, cracked tail light, and a whole lot of unimpressed. Accidents are accidents, and yes they happen. But preventable ones, due to lack of caring... totally different story.

I was in line at the drive thru at Timmies to get a morning tea and yogurt. The guy behind me decided that the guy trying to cut in, wasn't going to do it. Fine, I look in my rear view mirror, and he's practically touching my tail gait. Annoying but whatever. Line moves forward and I pull up, thinking buddy has made his point and is over it. I was wrong.

Next thing I knew I'm the proud recipient of a ford enema. I got out to check the damage, seeing it was minor, but he hadn't backed off, he was still crammed into my truck. I looked up and add insult to injury (so to speak) he wouldn't even look up. Didn't roll down his window, didn't apologize, didn't make eye contact, nothing. I was livid! The very least one can do is acknowledge you. And he didn't back off after that. Just kept trying to park his truck on my bumper until he was sure the other dude couldn't get around him. Do you really need coffee that bad? I was so ticked off that I shook for a couple of hours.

Eventually, I calmed down, but the basic principal of the situation still irks me. What happened to the days of taking responsibility? The damage wasn't bad, I wasn't hurt, and I had no interest involving the insurance companies. Still an offer to take some ownership of his actions would have been nice. When you hit someone, minor or not, you are morally obligated to offer up the insurance or to settle otherwise. Or so I thought at least.

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