Monday, September 24, 2018

Week 30

So late blog, having trouble writing one actually.  The urge to skip it for one week is overwhelming.  But a promise is a promise and I have to at least try.

It's been a long month, and last week up to today have been no easier.  There was an issue at work with some quality control and a lack of team work.  Which isn't so bad, but with all things being high octane, I pitched a bit of a fit on Thursday.  This particular fit resulted in a "Coaching Opportunity" artfully given by my manager, and resulting in an escalation process including a "strategy meeting" today for resolution of said escalation process.

As it turned out, I ultimately ended up with the resolution I was going for, but at the cost of much brain damage, little sleep and an extra scoop of anxiety.  Sadly not just for me.

Then there's the personal life.  I took my dad to the specialist last Monday because his Dr thinks he may have skin cancer.  Last time it was cancer in his kidney, which turned out well, so I'm hoping there is no reason for alarm.  Now I just have to convince him of that.  And this on the heals of my aunt dying of cancer a few weeks ago.  A long and horrific battle that ended a beautiful person all too soon.  Then there is Uncle Ray and Aunt Hazel who are also losing to cancer.  And Ray's wife Vicky in August.. also cancer.  So ya, been interesting.

K I'm exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically, and now I'm done sharing. TTFN

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