Tuesday, July 14, 2009


How we handle failure defines us. Understanding how to handle failure is not the same as actually handling it. We choose to succeed or fail, before we even step into what is testing us.

There are many great quotes regarding failure and success. Examples such as "if you want to succeed, double your failure rate". "you never truly fail until you quit trying" or perhaps the most apt "you set yourself up for failure".

The choices we make determine if we succeed or fail. Embracing this and living accordingly determines how we handle failure. All very fancy talk, but what does it have to do with anything.

2 choices. Someone I know chose to handle failure in a negative way. This person decided that they deserved a certain level of accomplishment and the evaluator did not give them what they expected. This person proceeded to make it very public that they disapproved of the evaluator's ranking.

The other choice, taking responsibility. Looking at yourself and deciding what you could have done to succeed. It shouldn't even occur to us to blame the evaluator. Their job is to be impartial, to provide guidance, and to provide feedback. The effort and work we put into things determines if we pass or fail. We succeed or fail by what we do.

Make no mistake it is a choice. One can chose to take responsibility, or one can chose to blame others. What will your choice be?

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