Sunday, July 1, 2018

Week 19

Just leaving Anbotsford listening to 80's Classic Rock calculating the next leg of the trip. My cousins wedding was wonderful. I don't think I've ever seen Robert so happy and his wife Julie Lynn is a lovely person who radiates warmth. She looked amazing. Like she just stepped out of a fairytale. Robert was over joyed that all 10 of us cousins were together. It's been roughly 30 years since that happened. Ironically it was at our cousin Dianne's wedding. But we're all together. Aunt Florence, her daughters Sharon and Dianne. Aunt Elfredia, her 3 sons David, Kevin, and Robert. My dad Wilfred and the 5 of us, Josie, Erna, Gord, me, and Jake. Of course there were spouses, friends and +1's but again over 30 years of my grandparents direct decendants together. Robert was very moved. Some of us were chatting and David was saying how strange it was that he sees us all as piers, yet we all have different memories of what the family was like when we were kids(respectively). I agree, it's hard to fathom, but when you thunk about how far we have come. For example, David is 14 years older than I am. We hang out and are best of friends. But my memories are much different than his. He was 20 when grandpa died, I was 6. So yes it stands reason that we have vastly different memories of the same man. My memories of David, Kevin and Robert we of following them around with a good measure of hero worship. Robert rough housed with us and David read to us. Kevin was the wildcard. I credit him for influencing my sense of humor. He even commented on how we are both entertained by the same silliness. I really miss those guys in the times we don't see each other. Bottom line it was a great weekend. It wouldn't have been possible if not for the support of Dan & Mel. They babysat my puppy and that was such a huge contribution to peace of mind. So thanks. In the mountains, going to lose signal, so thanks and chat later

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