Sunday, July 29, 2018

Week 23

You know it's been a full week when your puppy is a clepto and your niece is a fish. Well mermaid really. For her birthday, my sister bought her mermaid lessons. Yes that's a real thing. Apparently she earns a certification that is registered with scuba diving standards. Who knew? Dressing up in a tail and swimmers isn't just for vegas anymore. As for the dog, well she has realized that the neighbor to the north has a yard full of doggie toys that she was quite happily bringing home and playing with. Took a day or two to figure out what was happening, but the end result is I met 2 of the neighbors in the subdivision while returning the ill gotten booty. Can you imagine that conversation? Hi my parents are your neighbor to the south, we are very anti social with no real interest of becoming friends, and our new puppy is ripping you off... sorry and nice to meet you. No not really, but it was interesting. Never a dull moment, like this morning jumping out of bed because there was a calf on the highway bordering the farm. Had to rush out there and stuff the lil bugger back in and then find the whole in the fence. Naturally it was the bottom wire in the middle of the pond. No real way to get to it except take off the shoes and walk in up to my knees in mud and water. Thankfully the bottom of the pond was spongy with vegetation. I was worried about sinking and getting stuck. The other blessing is the pond's water is low right now. Usually it's over 8ft deep which can make things very interesting. But between my brother and I, we got it done and off to the next chore, and the next chore and the next. It never fails to amaze me how different people in town are from rural people. For example, persons on rural properties know that there is always work to be done and with out short summers the lions share has to be done sooner rather than later. Where as town people don't have that same mentality. I hear this quite often at work, are you going to K-Days, are you going to the accidental beach down town, are you going to whatever other event someone dreamed up? You politely say no, and then change the subject. Why? Because telling them that you see no reason to drive an hour into the city, give yourself brain damage finding a place to park, and sit with 200 strangers on a sand bar full of river snot. Especially a river that the city of around a million use as a toilet. Ya, thanks, but no. But I digress. I needed a blog post and there it is. Different people develop different mentalities and priorities with different environments and responsibilities. That and city people are crazy. #justsayin

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