Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Week 48

So I've been dealing with a very toxic, volatile situation for a long time now.  I just deleted my rant about it as apposed to posting it.  The short version is if the parasites formally renting the house I now own think they are not moving on April 30, they are mistaken.

Enough said about that.

And I have nothing else to say, except I dislike being in a mental state where I cannot see past a situation to something positive.  Sadly due to things I'm not going to go into now, I am somewhat hardwired to obsess which kicks in my fight instinct.  My flight instinct was destroyed a long time ago.  Running solves nothing.  So I am in a constant battle to keep my brain in check at the best of times.  This isn't the best of times, and I have no issues admitting to it. 

Find something positive.  Chinese new year should be fun.  This weekend good food, good company and a show.  Also congrats to Elizabeth Walker who attended the Ging Wu banquet last weekend and won the 50/50 draw!  You lucky stinker!


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