Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It would seem that San Shou class is my muse. We worked on knife drills tonight, and those who know me understand what that means... Sifu is in a great mood now! We did fastest disarm, 2 man 1 knife game, and the major artery/tendon attack techniques. Boo-Yah!

I find myself wanting to journal after this class, which is very unusual as I would prefer to smash my head into a solid brick wall repeatedly than journal. Maybe I should play with knives more often. Could work.

A couple of the boys stayed after class to spar with one of our female students who is having some confidence issues in that area. You just know I had to play too. So the students worked together for a while and then I gloved up and had a go.

It was fun. I enjoy sparring and am glad that I am healthy enough to start doing it again. I'm rusty as an old spring, and my hip problem doesn't help, but it was still good. I worked up a sweat and had a chuckle. Apparently I have a perma-grin that was described as the "your gona pay" smile.

After the gloves came off, we chatted for a bit. One of the guys said that no matter who he talks to, everyone says the same thing. Martial arts changes lives. It's true, and it does so much so subtly that all of a sudden you wake up and wonder who was that jerk you used to be. At least I do.

So to the people who continue to change my life for the better, every last student, training mate, and member of my kung fu family..... Thanks. Now go practice or I'll kick you butt!

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