Monday, May 28, 2018

Week 14

So Pandamonium was a success for the most part. I'm sure the numbers are still being tallied and the totals for the charities should be wonderful. The face painting was a hit (thank you Mrs Chiasson), the baked goodies were wonderful, and I think the bookmark passport challenge was very well received. I know students and non students alike took part in the festivities and judging from all the smiles we had a good run. I was disappointed in my performance in the demo. I know we've all had these moments of brain farting, so here is a special thanks to Mrs Kohut for covering my bacon when I choked... first time for everything. But this whole demo experience has me excited in spite of the little glitches. For years we have been working toward the concept of showing up some place and banging out a demo with no warning, practice or preparation for the performers. And I think the way this demo developed, we are well on our way to achieving it. I also like the new concept of inclusion. In the past 2 years, people who were not at the demo practices are being included in the demos. There was a time that if you weren't there for the practice, you didn't go on, and that counted against your total for the year. Lets face it, you can't count a demo towards your requirements you weren't in. I think this change, unannounced as it was, is a testament to how far we have come in our preparedness, adaptability, maturity (as a team) and overall team work. And I think the fact that it has come into being without notice or acknowledgement says a lot of how such a huge change can take place with such seamless transition that people don't even notice it's happening. As if the new way is the way it has always been. That is something we can all be proud of. Great job guys!

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