Friday, June 1, 2018

Week 15

Remedy for a rough day, week, month whatever is simpler than we sometimes thing. Today was a rough day, but it was made instantly better when I got home and ended up with a puppy missile to the chest. There was wiggles and woofs, scratches and silliness. What really got me is when she laid down at my feet, rolled over, gave me the most gleeful look and bit me on the foot. I'm like "you dork". There she is, on her back, paws in the air, ears flopped back and a big goofy grin. Now how can that not make your day better. So I took and extra ten minutes and played with her. Cuddles and scratches and a measure of rough housing. I feel like a new person. Soon as I'm finished here, we're going for a walk in the back 40. I'll bring the ball launcher and she can chase that tennis ball to her hearts content. If it goes down a gopher hole, no worries, she will dig until she retrieves her treasure and love every minute of it.... Is it wrong to be jealous of your dog?

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