Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Week 39

So no excuses, I forgot to blog.  I kept thinking, Ok I have to do that and then promptly wandered off to the next thing.  So that is full on my fault. 

What to write about?  Well I recently saw a documentary that made me have some very strong mixed emotions.  It was about using cloning to resurrect extinct species.  Now I'm not a big fan of cloning but I am a huge fan of NOT wiping species off the planet because we are irresponsible twits. I won't get into the whole religious perspective, but I do think it is a very slippery slope ethics wise.  In a way cloning can start to devalue life.  Oh that's gone, ok lets bake up a new one... DING! ready.  Seriously, did  you know for 100G you can have your pet cloned in Asia so when they die you have and exact genetic match and don't have to say goodbye to rover or spot?  You can even customize them to have neon toenails!  I'm not kidding, it's a real thing!  That's crazy!

However in some ways, I feel it would be a good thing to make amends for species that we are directly responsible for destroying.  Such as the thylacine commonly known as the tasmanian tiger( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylacine , the giant moa of New Zealand ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Island_giant_moa ), and the elephant bird of Africa( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_bird ) to name only a few.

This documentary had several others on the list but the one that made me feel extra ookie was the Neanderthal.  I have no idea why I was so shocked about that ability.  I mean we have how many humans running around the place and according to these scientists a great number have Neanderthal DNA (which I have to admit I believe considering my dating history).  But to refer to resurrecting a human species as casual as you please in a documentary listed as extinct animals made my brain fall out.

Are they animals or people?  The documentary referred to them loosely as both.  WHAT!?  So, cloning in general in most countries is illegal, and cloning people is super illegal... but they want to put cloning Neanderthals on the to do list.  I don't know about you guys, but DANG!  THAT AIN'T RIGHT! 

Even if you did clone them, then what?  Put them in a Zoo?  It's not like they can get a job.  Unless it's working on the oil patch or driving cab - then maybe, but still!  You want to bring people into a world they don't understand, have no ability to function in, and then what? They won't have any culture, that is learned behavior and the last thing we need is more people acting like a bunch of entitled snots with a god complex.  Humans have that covered thanks.

I need to stop ranting, I'm getting all worked up.  Anyway, something to think about.  Just because we have the ability to do something, doesn't mean we should be doing it.  We need to think about what we do and how that effects things down the line. 

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