Saturday, March 28, 2009

Once a Year

Once a year there is a very special treat at the farm. A family (5) Bald Eagles show up at the end of March and stay until the beginning of May. Usually around 8 weeks. They rest, hunt gophers, and just soar around.

They returned early this week. It's beyond cool to go out to feed cattle and look up to see these magnificent raptors coasting lazily on the air currents 15 to 40 feet above you. Or to hear then coo, call, and yes shriek at each other. (you know one of the young ones ticked off Daddy when that happens).

Over the last few years we have seen the 3 young eagles grow and begin to get their white feathers. They are between 3 and 5 years old now, and are almost completely white. Though they have a lot of growing to do before they reach the size of their massive parents.

The family has been coming to the farm as long as I can remember. For the longest time it was just the parents. I can't describe the moment when we realized that they had mated and produced 3 babies, and brought them along for their annual visit.

I don't know where they go when they leave us, but I do know I am relieved when they all return the next year. Hopefully they will honor us with their time for many years to come.

1 comment:

Darnell McKinley said...

The Eagle

The eagle soars and flies in peace
And casts its shadow wide
Across the land, across the seas
Across the far-flung skies

The foolish think the eagle weak
And easy to bring to heel
The Eagle's wings are silken
But its claws are made of steel

The eagle stands for freedom
May we never let it die
And give thanks for all our blessings
As we watch the eagle fly

Sidney Sheldon

Thanks for sharing the wonder of your eagle visitors!
Sifu McKinley