Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kangaroos in the front yard, Spiders under the bed

And I mean that literally. In fact when you are coming in for a landing you have to make sure that you are not going to crash into a kanga. You would think the fluttering of the parachute and the movement would scare them off the landing area, but no such luck. They apparently are used to such things and sunset load (I've heard as I've only done one jump so far) they are under foot... literally. So I've gotten some good footage of the the local pod and they are something else.

As for the spiders. Not so crazy about them. And they are EVERYWHERE!!!! I know we are supposed to be enlightned and non violent... but when it comes to hundreds of spiders in the bunk house... sorry but they gota go. I'm not spending anymore nights with one eye open to keep them from getting me. YUCK!

I've been staying at the DZ pretty much full time. Still no internet, so have come back into town today to keep up. I'll be making a day, possibly weekend trip into Brisbane on Friday. Looking forward to that.

I drove for the first time today. You have no idea how wierd that is. I've been having nothing but trouble trying to get into the proper side of a vehicle as the passenger side is opposite to home. Now I drove into Toogoolawah and had to keep reminding myself that oncoming traffic from the right side was normal and not to lose my mind. It goes completely against the grain for everything I have ever learned of driving, but I'm getting the hang of it. Still one of the strangest experiences yet.

but that's it for now.

Blue skys

Lisa Freitag

Silent River Kung Fu, Toogoolawah, Queensland, Australia

1 comment:

Sifu Beckett Sr. said...

Watch out, alot of stuff that lives downunder and bites is poisonous. Beautiful country austrialia, only other place I would be willing to call home besides canada. Best regards,
T. Beckett